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Professional Construction Products
Building Materials Suppliers to Trade Merchants
Adiseal develop high-performance construction products & building materials. Our Adiseal adhesive sealant proved it’s the strongest product in an independent test. Our metal drill bits and masonry drill bits are the best available in terms of being the most durable and fastest drilling.

Our product range includes:
- Adiseal – The best grab adhesive and sealant. The proven No.1 adhesive and sealant by an independent test.
- Adiseal Hi-Grab – Instant grab adhesive with huge instant grab.
- Adisolve – Non aggressive solvent cleaner, adhesive remover & sealant remover in 1 product available in a spray can.
- Adiseal Ultimate Metal – Fastest and most durable metal drill bit (cobalt).
- Adiseal Ultimate Masonry & Multi Material – Fastest masonry drill bit and multi material drill bit when drilling without hammer function on drill.
- AllPlug – Wall plug for plasterboard & other substrates.
- AllClip – Universal clip for pipes, cables & conduit of different sizes.
- Adiglue – Higher performance ultra strong glue.
- Adiglue Acitvator – Accelerator for glue & sealer for porous materials.
- IPGel Duo – 2 component electrical insulation gel.
- IPGel Mono – Ready to use electrical insulation gel.
- CabLube Liquid – Cable pulling lubricant liquid.
- CabLube Gel – Cable pulling lubricant gel.
- CabLube Foam – Cable pulling lubricant foam.
- Total Seal – Liquid leak sealer.
Trades people trust Adiseal Ltd to provide quality construction products that gets the job done. Adiseal products are manufactured in the highest quality environment.
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Best metal drill bit & best masonry and multi material drill bit.
Adiseal Ultimate masonry and multi material drill bit drills faster than any other masonry or multi material drill bit when drilling without hammer function on drill.