
Professional Construction Products

Developing high performance construction products through extensive research and testing.

Instant Hold Adhesive

Instant Hold Adhesive: Fast Heavy Duty Grab

Adiseal Hi-Grab instant hold adhesive has very fast initial grab and provides a strong bond. When attempting to stick items together with an adhesive, some adhesives can take some time to reach full bond strength. During the period between adhesive application and the adhesive achieving full strength, temporary supports might need to be used to hold items in place. This can increase the amount of time to carry out the bonding job and cost more money in labour costs. Using an adhesive with instant hold may eliminate the need to use temporary supports, saving time and money.

Adiseal Hi-Grab instant hold adhesive


Adiseal Hi-Grab instant hold adhesive

Adiseal Hi-Grab, a heavy-duty adhesive, incorporates the advanced technology of Adiseal adhesive sealant, renowned as the record-breaking strongest adhesive. With enhanced instant grab and rapid hold capabilities, Adiseal Hi-Grab surpasses the already impressive strength of Adiseal. In an independent wood-to-metal bond strength test, Adiseal demonstrated over three times the strength of the closest competitor, rendering it too strong even for the test rig. The following chart illustrates the results of the wood-to-metal adhesive bond strength test.

strongest adhesive strength test results chart

Best adhesive strength test results table

ProductMax pressure when adhesive bond broke (psi)
Adiseal3123 + psi
SupaBond1115 psi
Tec 71016 psi
HB42942 psi
Loctite PL Premium873 psi
Gorilla Grab Adhesive862 psi
Bond It PU18582 psi
Bond It Save Nails411 psi
Best adhesive strength test results.

“That is actually unbelievable!”

Ultimate Handyman


Testimonials & some comments on the: Grab adhesive tests 2017, video on YouTube

  • That Adiseal is phenomenal!
  • That Adiseal is some stuff though, definitely need to get some of that bought!
  • I instantly went looking for Adiseal!
  • Need to get my hands on some of that to try out.
  • Looks like a cracking product.
  • Having used the two most expensive brands on numerous occasions, I’ll be trying out the others, especially the Adiseal.
  • Adiseal certainly surprised me in this test!
  • Fantastic tests. It’s unbelievable that Adiseal test with the hardwood.




High instant hold on vertical surfaces

When adhering items to vertical surfaces, the challenge of slippage and movement during adhesive curing often necessitates temporary supports, leading to project delays and additional expenses. Adiseal Hi-Grab, with its rapid high instant hold adhesive strength, minimizes the requirement for temporary supports. In contrast to other construction adhesives, it guarantees secure positioning on vertical walls, preventing objects from sliding, enhancing efficiency, and reducing overall costs.


Benefits of Adiseal Hi-Grab instant hold adhesive

Adiseal Hi-Grab has the following benefits:

Adiseal Hi-Grab construction adhesive is available in white colour in 290ml cartridges. To get it in any other RAL colour, please contact us.



Instant grab adhesive hold performance demonstration

Observe the extraordinary instant power grab and bond strength of Adiseal Hi-Grab instant hold adhesive in the following video. We carried out a test using two 32 Kg concrete blocks, pushing the limits by applying the adhesive on the edge of the concrete with a smaller surface area instead of the side with the largest surface area. As depicted in the video, the two concrete slabs promptly secured each other, showcasing the remarkable instant power of Adiseal Hi-Grab.



High grab adhesive on concrete demonstration using Adiseal Hi-Grab instant hold adhesive.
High instant hold adhesive demonstration.





Bonding items with Adiseal Hi-Grab

Adiseal Hi-Grab instant hold adhesive will successfully bond the following items:




How to use instant hold adhesive

How to use instant hold adhesive.

  1. Surface Preparation

    Ensure that the surfaces to be bonded are clean, dry, and free from dust, grease, or debris.
    If necessary, roughen smooth surfaces for better adhesion.

  2. Apply the adhesive

    Apply the adhesive on one of the surfaces. Ensure the bead is uniform and covers as much bonding area as possible to get a better bond.

  3. Join the surfaces

    Press the two surfaces together immediately after applying the adhesive. Adiseal Hi-Grab is designed for instant grab, so work quickly. Align the items accurately as repositioning may be challenging once the adhesive has set.

  4. Secure or support if needed

    In some cases, especially on vertical surfaces, you might need to provide temporary support until the adhesive cures.

  5. Curing time

    Instant grab adhesives offer an immediate hold, yet it’s essential to adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding the curing time for optimal strength attainment.

  6. Clean up

    Remove any excess adhesive that may have squeezed out when joining the materials together. A suitable solvent or cleaner can be used to help remove excess adhesive.


Tip: To store Adiseal once opened, leave about 1cm worth of product out of the nozzle and store the tube upright in a cool dry place. Adiseal requires moisture for it to cure. The exposed part out of the nozzle will cure creating a cap. To re-use Adiseal, pull the cured part out or cut the nozzle until the uncured part is reached.



Where to buy instant hold adhesive

In the UK, to buy instant hold adhesive, please contact us for details of your local stockist. For other countries, our products can be purchased from www.guglue.com



Data Sheets




Frequently Asked Questions

What materials can be bonded using instant hold adhesive?

Instant hold adhesive is designed to bond a variety of materials, including wood, metal, plastic, and more. The suitability for specific materials may vary depending on the adhesive formulation.

Is instant hold adhesive suitable for vertical applications?

Yes, products like Adiseal Hi-Grab, are formulated to work effectively on vertical surfaces, reducing the need for temporary supports.

Can instant hold adhesive be used for heavy-duty applications?

Yes, some instant hold adhesives, especially those designed for heavy-duty applications like Adiseal Hi-Grab, offer strong bond strength suitable for heavy materials and demanding projects.

Is instant hold adhesive suitable for outdoor applications?

Many instant hold adhesives, including certain formulations of Adiseal, are suitable for outdoor use. Check the product specifications to ensure it meets the requirements for your specific outdoor project.




Suhail Matadar has extensive experience in the construction industry as an electrician, involved in installing, inspecting, and testing electrical systems in various projects. He excelled in sales, working for a major UK wholesaler, selling construction products to professionals and the DIY market. Suhail's background includes working at a leading home emergency repair company dealing with trades people. With a BEng (Hons) degree in Electronic Engineering, Suhail has worked with PLCs in the nuclear fuel manufacturing industry. During his studies, he gained practical experience at a chemical manufacturing company known for producing award-winning cleaning, hygiene, and livestock protection products for over a century. Currently, Suhail runs a global business specialising in supplying, researching, testing, and distributing chemical construction products like adhesives and sealants.